CREATIVE FLEX: when flexibility takes shape
Creative Flex is the lighting system that allows you to create single or multiple suspensions in any desired shapes and finishes.

It is foldable and adjustable with different twists, available in 3 lengths allowing to create any type of lighting, and of course customizable with 15 coatings and 5 finishes for the lamppost.

Associate, choose, and create
20 fabrics
The 15 available coatings are designed to fit into any environment.
5 Bornes This translates to "5 Milestones" in English.
We have created 5 finishes for the metal stand to match the 15 available finishes, according to your preferences.
3 lengths
Whatever your lighting needs may be, you can bring them to life with Creative Flex.
Available lengths
Flex 30 cm
What shape will you give to your moments of relaxation? Use Flex 30 cm to light up your reading corners, whether it's your armchair, sofa, or bed.
Flex 60 cm
Your rooms will no longer have walls with Flex 60 cm. Imagine the reaction of your friends when they see the walls of your living room illuminated by your ideas, or the new version of the walls of your office.
Flex 90 cm This translates to "Flex 90 cm" in English.
The sky in a room. The ceilings of your rooms will have no limits with Flex 90 cm. Imagine sleeping under a starry sky in the comfort of your own bed, or finding inspiration by looking at the ceiling illuminated by your ideas.